Rebound page 179 May 29, 2016 Hello Faith! Sorry for another long wait, this page kind of short-circuited my brain. 6 Comments At least the scenery is (hopefully) calming enough for poor Lance (who just got a major insecurity boost). Beautiful Wow! Is this part of Faith’s circle? Or is part of Faith in Justice’s Circle? They went through a portal from Justice to Faith YAY Wonderful amazing new page! Still dying to see what Faith thinks of this little Elf looking kid, who is probably a Trojan horse or something. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.Comment Name Email Website
At least the scenery is (hopefully) calming enough for poor Lance (who just got a major insecurity boost).
Is this part of Faith’s circle? Or is part of Faith in Justice’s Circle? They went through a portal from Justice to Faith
YAY Wonderful amazing new page! Still dying to see what Faith thinks of this little Elf looking kid, who is probably a Trojan horse or something.
At least the scenery is (hopefully) calming enough for poor Lance (who just got a major insecurity boost).
Is this part of Faith’s circle? Or is part of Faith in Justice’s Circle?
They went through a portal from Justice to Faith
YAY Wonderful amazing new page! Still dying to see what Faith thinks of this little Elf looking kid, who is probably a Trojan horse or something.