I guess Balthazar just crossed a line there as well.
I have updated the FAQ so there’s actually some questions answered there now. I’ve also thrown a link for the Facebook fan group on the Links page.
Today you can vote for a doodle of Opal and Balthazar. A good weekend to all of you.
Lawd. This just keeps gettin’ better and better.
*giggles evilly*
Hmm… how wonderfully cynical of our hero and non-lizard Bal. I do believe I’m liking him more and more! Also, he has more facial expressions than the lizard standard of slightly stoned! He does snide and increadibly angry too, aaah, sweet variety. And if he’s the commander of this force of do-gooding, shouldn’t he exemplify that or something? Or at the very least not be such a meanie about the goons of his army? I mean, I’m fairly certain they’re not getting paid, and they don’t exactly look like they like the commander or the residents of this place to much, so what’s to stop them from saying “Screw this!” and going on strike?
By default the cherubim absolutely adore Heaven and arch angel Mikael in particular. Anything Heaven asks they will do in a heart beat (especially when it involves beating up demons (or in this case half-demons)) and no amount of spite from any commander can make them back down.
Oh, that’s not extremely smart…
He’s making himself more and more a heretic with every word he speaks. Guess he let his temper get a bit further away with him than he intended!
Man, Balthazar just lets it all out when he’s ranting. Good thing Opal is there.
He’s pretty bad at keeping that big mouth of his shut.
It also sounds to me that Balthazar is jealous of Mikael.
That could lead to several problems …
No, I think he just doesn’t likes the arch angels and the way they roll.
Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /home/bibleco1/public_html/wp-content/plugins/webcomic/webcomic.php on line 3869
I wonder if that’s on my end, or server-side…
No it’s not just you. Weird it’s only on this page. Thanks for telling, I’ll look into it.