Rebound page 60
May 10, 2010
Fabulous news: B.I.B.L.E. has been nominated as ’Best Danish Online Comic’ by the Danish comic con
This is super rad and a little bit weird! Maia and I are gonna be at the award ceremony on May 21. with a bunch of supposedly very famous comic people whom I wouldn’t know the next thing about because I don’t know anything about published comics, yay! XD
We’re also gonna be on the festival Saturday. There will be an area with webcomic related stuff, but urrhhh that’s about all I know right now. Hopefully I’ll know a bit more next week.
Anyway, those of you who are Danish should come stop by too :)
Yay! A Danish comic gets noticed in a good way! :-p
You deserve it, this is a wonderful comic with a great story and wonderful art.
What do you mean in a good way? XD Does Danish comics have a bad reputation I’m not aware of?
Sorry, I was referring to what happened when that cartoonist made a cartoon of Mohammad some people got mad about. :-|
Ah yes, of course. Yeah, I guess that kind of marked us on the map in a.. not so fortunate way.
Also, new guy needs a hug!
I was thinking tapir when I drew him, but he ended up not looking like anything specific.
Ahhh Tapirs. I see. :-)
Congratulations on getting recognized! That’s awesome!
Tapir guy should really transfer to another job. xD Something with a nice boring desk, maybe.
Congrats on the nomination, you guys deserve it! <3
:D Congrats! You guys deserve some love. Hard work pays off huh.
Where’s this festival thingie?
Thanks, looks like it does, huh :D
It’s in Copenhagen (Øksnehallen) on the 22-23 of May.
That is completely and totally rad in every way! Congrats! You guys deserve it~
What IS so totally weird is that my name is Maia too :D
Oh really? Maias with an i, you are a rare breed.
And thank you!
Heh. I’m a Maia as well. xD That’s why I’m went by my nickname “Mai” instead. It always weirds me out when I run into other Maias. We are quite rare indeed!
maybe not as rare as we think :D
Haha, true! Though I have to say I’ve only met one other “Maia” in real life.
Woo! Congratulations!
And, is it just me, or are those other angels, rather not angel like? Come oooon, they’re supposed to be the good ones, kind hearted and that stuff. :p
It’s high school all over again!
Haha, just wait that is in fact truer than you think.
*Joy* :D