Rebound page 75
August 30, 2010
We’re back in business~
Say hello to Wrath. He is one motherfucking angry bear deity thingy.
Wrath and everything associated with him/it is definitely the most classic hell stuff. Lots of destruction and fireeee.
dear god this comic is gorgeous * ^ *
The art the perspective on everything is just amazing <3~
Keep up the good work!
What scares me more is the one-eyed-octopus-thingy in the first panel. But yeah, Wrath looks epic (and seriously pissed). Will the vampires burn to ashes like in the Blade series? :>
I think they might need a big spatula to get the elf kid out of the circle.
Also, I suspect this wrath summon isn’t going away just by killing the vampires who summoned him. Powered by the poor kids soul or something?
If we gather information from the sites before the vampires plan was to summon a sin, therefor Wrath must be this sin. only makes sense :P
Very well deducted, points to you, sir. :p
It’s a giiiiiiiiant BEAR THINGIE! 8D I am so happy right now.
And I imagine those guys who are on fire aren’t getting back up again, huh? Man, I get the feeling there’s a reference to not getting caught in the CROSSFIAH to make here, so lets make us a reference!
Bwehehehe… man, that game was terrible XD
Hehe, knew it was gonna be wrath.^^
I really like the cloud-swirl in the third panel.
Second that opinion, and I must say that I enjoy the colouring in the whole summoning session.
Speaking of, I was as bit worried that the cracked and destroyed columns would’ve disrupted the ritual in some way.
I still think it would have been funny if they accidentally summoned Sloth instead of Wrath. The vampires would just sit around talking big and smoking weed.
Welcome back! How’s your back?
I assume that, even though Wrath is smiting the summoners mid-process, that this will not disrupt the summoning?
I’m fine, thanks. Nothing pain killers can’t fix by now.
Is he the god of hellfire? And does he bring fire?
Good to hear your backs better.
If i were that bear i’d be pissed.
Think about how long it is since he ate humans last :P
Well, i suppose Wrath is meant to be pissed ’bout everthing
Looks pretty cool.