A webcomic about Heaven, Hell, and everything in between.
Rebound page 86
November 15, 2010
Rex doesn’t appreciate having his monologues interrupted.
I feel you, Rex, monologues are an essential part of a villians repetoire, and must be completed before any attack starts. Bad shark boy, Bad!
This is Awesome-like.
Rex is faster than you might thin
“And here is the forecast for next update: We will have another Awesome pre-fight scene starring Balthazar and Rex. Slightly clouded with chance of Fire and giant bears. That’s all for now but we will return for the update after the next.”
How about if someone just flies over Rex and drops rocks on his head while he tries to talk. :-p
I think Rex would avoid the falling rock, and fry the attracter with lightning… Because he’s That badass.
Ohhh, I missed the zap shark-guy got when Rex kicked him in the backside.
Maybe drop buckets of water instead. :-p
The sound effect ZZT is part of the lightning
What IS it with angels are yelling at the villains while they try to SNEAK UP BEHIND them?
I don’t really think he was trying to sneak anywhere seeing as he was standing kind of immediately in front of Rex.
Ooh. From the angle it kind of looked like Rex was looking behind. Carry on, then.
Shark guy seems rather unfazed from the lightning jolt he got as he went by. Maybe in this case the lightning indicates something other than physical damage being done?
it’s all just to humiliate him. If Rex wanted to he could have stabbed him easily
Any famous last words?
Marshmallows is good
I’ll take it mister mysterious
Protip, Louis: The proper time for the enemy to hear you coming is when their head is already rolling away.
I feel you, Rex, monologues are an essential part of a villians repetoire, and must be completed before any attack starts. Bad shark boy, Bad!
This is Awesome-like.
Rex is faster than you might thin
“And here is the forecast for next update: We will have another Awesome pre-fight scene starring Balthazar and Rex. Slightly clouded with chance of Fire and giant bears. That’s all for now but we will return for the update after the next.”
How about if someone just flies over Rex and drops rocks on his head while he tries to talk. :-p
I think Rex would avoid the falling rock, and fry the attracter with lightning… Because he’s That badass.
Ohhh, I missed the zap shark-guy got when Rex kicked him in the backside.
Maybe drop buckets of water instead. :-p
The sound effect ZZT is part of the lightning
What IS it with angels are yelling at the villains while they try to SNEAK UP BEHIND them?
I don’t really think he was trying to sneak anywhere seeing as he was standing kind of immediately in front of Rex.
Ooh. From the angle it kind of looked like Rex was looking behind. Carry on, then.
Shark guy seems rather unfazed from the lightning jolt he got as he went by. Maybe in this case the lightning indicates something other than physical damage being done?
it’s all just to humiliate him. If Rex wanted to he could have stabbed him easily
Any famous last words?
Marshmallows is good
I’ll take it mister mysterious
Protip, Louis: The proper time for the enemy to hear you coming is when their head is already rolling away.