Rebound Volume 2 script

September 20, 2017

It’s been a few months, but here I am, ready to hand over the rest of Rebound! Grab the pdf here:


If you haven’t already seen me talk about it elsewhere, I decided to take the sizable amount of comic script we had already written, polish it up and finish it, writing all the bits that were missing. This includes all of Volume 4, the end of Volume 3 and various other pieces here and there. Note that I’ve been working on this on my own, but the story as a whole, half the characters and a large portion of the writing is still Maia’s too. I just kind of ran off with it to round it off. The result is of course not quite a comic, but I hope the script will make an enjoyable read on its own.

As suggested above, there are three volumes (2-4) and I will be releasing them one at a time with a week in between each. So in other words I’ll be back with Volume 3 next Wednesday and Volume 4 the Wednesday after that.

The Volume 2 script picks up at the last comic page, so if it’s been a long time since you’ve read the comic, maybe now’s the time to skim through it again.


– Gitte


Quite interesting in what happened to Balthazar. Suddenly those random drawings with Dexter and the others make more sense. Speaking of Dexter, I can’t wait to see more of him!

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